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Two Towns. One Club. United by the Ball.

Two Towns. One Club. United by the Ball.

U11-U19 Boys and Girls

Our program provides a platform for top players to continually challenge themselves against the best competition in training and games. We also recognizes that not every player strives to play at the highest levels possible, and that often other factors like friends, community, and fun are significant factors in the decision to play soccer. Check below to learn about the differences in our programs, and which may fit the needs of your player the best!



  • Our Navy teams are the top performing teams in the club and feature our top players in a given age group. These teams have increased training, travel, and tournament opportunities and higher commitment expectations.

Play Level:

  • Navy teams compete in the OYSA State Premier League against the most competitive teams in the State.

Team Selection:

  • Navy players are selected through our tryout process. Spots are offered to players soon after their evaluation and will have a limited time to accept a spot before it may be offered to another candidate. 
  • If necessary, based on available player pool numbers and skill level, some Navy teams may be dual age group teams (ex. combined 2007 & 2008).


  •  Our club splits team training sessions between Corvallis and Albany as best as possible to fairly accommodate players from all communities. This varies during the year depending on venue access and condition. 
  •  Navy teams will train 2-3 times a week based on the time of the year.



  •  Our White and Burgundy teams are regionally competitive and are a tier down in the level of skill and competition from Navy. They feature players that may need more development before being considered for a Navy team position OR that are playing soccer with friends or just for fun. Players who want to play soccer at a level higher than local recreational soccer or who may not be able to commit to a Navy team because or time, financial, talent, interest, or other constraints will find a place on a White and Burgundy team a very accessible option. 

Play Level:

  •  White and Burgundy teams play in Divisions 1 or 2 of the OYSA Central Valley League. This is a regional league with teams closer in geographic proximity as well as to their developmental level and skill.

Team Selection:

  • White and Burgundy players are selected through our tryout process. Whether an age group offers a White or Burgundy team is dependent on the available player pool numbers and the overall skill level. If necessary, some age groups may not have a dedicated White or Burgundy team. Instead, some teams being made up of multiple age groups (ex. a combined 2007 & 2008 White team).
  • Players who find themselves on a White team but want an opportunity to train and earn a spot on a Navy team will be allowed to do so year round. White team players are often invited to train and guest play in games with Navy teams. These opportunities may turn into offers to join a Navy team as a fully rostered player.


  • Our club splits team training sessions between Corvallis and Albany as best as possible to fairly accommodate players from all communities. This varies during the year depending on venue access and condition. 
  •  White and Burgundy teams will train 2 times a week.
  •  White and Burgundy players may also train with Navy teams during certain times of the year by invitation of the coaching staff.


Regardless of whether you play on a NavyWhite, or Burgundy team, our U11-U19 soccer teams compete through Oregon Youth Soccer Association, and should expect to travel for approximately 5 games each season. These teams will also play in selected tournaments throughout the course of their 6-10 months of play. We have provided a snapshot below of each age group's season. For more information, Seasonal Calendars have been attached as well. 

This 8-10 month commitment for our U11-U14 teams includes 2, 10-game league seasons (Mid July - Mid November; Mid January - Mid May) with 2 practices a week (2-3 for Navy teams), competition in State Cup, Presidents Cup, or Founders Cup and an additional summer tournament. Since our players have the opportunity to get in 125+ training days and over 25 games during these 8 months, our club will take time off from end of June to early August to avoid player burnout and allow for quality family time.

U11-U14 Annual Calendar

Due to the High School Season in the fall, our U15-U19 teams only play 6-8 months (Late November - Mid June; 2-week winter break) including one 10-game league season (January - April), State Cup, or Presidents/Founders Cup  (April - May), and 2-3 additional tournaments (Dec. - Feb. and May - June). Our high school teams will practice 2-3 days per week. However, we are also planning to have summer training sessions as well as a summer tournament before the start of high school team training. Our Navy U15-U19 teams may also compete in USYSA National League events if they qualify, and choose to play in College Showcase tournaments throughout the Far West Region to gain exposure to college coaches. Since our players have the opportunity to get in 125+ training days and over 25 games during these 8 months, our club will take time off from late June to late November to release high school players to play without conflict on their high school teams and allow for quality family time. Please keep in mind that this is not always possible, particularly with our older teams who may be competing in regionals or College Showcases at this time. If you are committing to a team competing at these levels, you are committing to participate in these events.

U15-U19 Annual Calendar

Each year, the players in the U15 age group are split with some starting 8th grade and some starting their freshman year of high school. This is a complication as the high school students are off until November and the 8th graders are left without roughly half of their teammates. Because of this, our club seeks to provide those kids in 8th grade with an additional Fall season where possible. In order to make this work, a combined group may have to be created with some Navy and White players playing together for the Fall season before returning to their assigned Navy and White teams in the Winter. Forming this combined team each Fall is based on several factors such as players in the age group, the gender, and other activities these kids have going on. We do not want to interfere with the 9th graders playing in their first season of High School soccer, but some of these players may be rostered on a Fall season roster in order to provide adequate numbers to register a team. This combined team would most likely play at a White team level in OYSA due to the combination of players. 

8th Grade U15 Annual Calendar


A thorough informational document will be coming soon!

Summer Tournament Information:

OVF Alliance plans to send each of our 2025-2026 teams formed in May to 1 Summer Tournament each. 

We want to encourage our Navy teams to attend higher level tournaments outside of Oregon, but we understand Summer might be a difficult time for our rosters to commit to a travel tournament, so an Oregon option is our default plan with additional tournament options provided to supplement. 

You may have seen your coaches gathering initial availability already. We are aware that tryouts are happening before these tournaments and team rosters might look different after tryouts. The idea of the RSVPs right now is to gauge interest from the group along with availability in case the team decides they want to do additional summer tournaments. If a team looks drastically different and can not field a team for a tournament, we can use the availability information collected right now to help fill out rosters after tryouts. Please RSVP so we can determine preliminary tournament plans for each group.

Summer Tournament Options:

U11-U14 Team:

  • Mt Hoot Challenge
    • Dates: 8/8 - 8/10
    • Travel: Does not require overnight travel; some may still choose to stay overnight
    • Fees: No extra fees
  • Bend FC Premier Cup
    • Dates: 7/11 - 7/13
    • Travel: May require overnight travel (not organized by club)
    • Fees: $145*

U15-U19 Teams:

  • Friendship Cup
    •  Dates:  5/24 - 5/26
    •  Travel: Does not require overnight travel; some may still choose to stay overnight
    •  Fees: No extra fees
  • Surf Cup NW
    •  Dates: 7/11 - 7/14
    •  Travel: Will require overnight travel
    •  Fees:
      •  All Inclusive: $835*
      •  Minimal: $235*
  • Rush Cup San Jose: 
    •  Dates: 5/31 - 6/1
    •  Travel: Will require overnight travel
    • Fees:
      • All Inclusive:
        • w/o Flights: $585*
        • w/ Flights: $855*
      • Minimal:  $160*

Potential Summer Adjustments:

1. If your team can't make it to their default summer tournament due to roster issues, we will work with the team individually to attend another tournament, combine rosters with another group, or some other alternative to fit the needs of the team.
2. If your team wants to attend another tournament instead of their scheduled tournament, we would be happy to help facilitate an adjustment. This information will need to be communicated to the staff ASAP as deadlines are quickly approaching. 
3. If your team would like to attend additional tournaments beyond their scheduled tournament, we would be happy to help facilitate this for your team.
*Please note that if your team is attending one of these tournaments as a replacement for their default summer tournament, the cost of attendance will be automatically reduced by $100.


Navy Player Fee: $1,400
White/Burgundy Player Fee: $1,200 (U11-U14 )
White/Burgundy Player Fee: $1,000 (U15-U19)
8th Grade U15 Additional Season
Player Fee: $300

*Please note that this is the full annual fee to participate in this program and you will only be charged that amount AFTER attending tryouts and a team invitation has been extended.
**Fee differences for the Navy players are due to increased training sessions, improved coaching, higher rental, equipment, and admin expenses, and more opportunities to attend tournaments. 
***Fees for uniforms, tryouts, and additional tournaments are separate from the Player Fee.


We are always looking for players who have a passion for the game, a great work ethic, and a competitive nature. If you are interested then we will provide you with a trial opportunity where you will be evaluated by the coaching staff to determine if this is the right opportunity for you. Please register below or if you are trying to get involved outside our normal tryout window (May-June), please contact our Director of Operations, Bryce Burton, at [email protected].

All Team Tryout Listings

U11-U19 Player Registration: 25-26 Season

Our U11 - U19 competitive teams participate in Oregon Youth Soccer Association (OYSA) leagues and tournaments. Selections for the Navy, White, and Burgundy teams will be made based on tryouts and player evaluations.


Registration for OVF Alliance is broken up into 2 parts:
Part 1: Register for Tryouts
  • The basic information needed for tryouts is collected in this initial step, along with a $25 tryout fee. In order to be eligible to tryout, this first step and small fee MUST be paid in advance.
Part 2: Accept a Team Position
  • Once tryouts are over, you will receive a team acceptance email which will open the second half of registration for you to complete and then to either pay the Player Fee in full or begin a payment plan.


You MUST complete the pre-registration step before your player is allowed to participate in the OVF Alliance tryouts.

Spring 2025
2014 - 2015 Boys
  • Dates: May 5th and 7th
  • Time: 6 pm - 7:25 pm
  • Location: Mid-Willamette Family YMCA

2012 - 2013 Boys
  • Dates and Times:
  • May 5th and 7th, 7:30 pm - 9 pm
  • May 13th, 6 pm - 7:25 pm
  • Location: Mid-Willamette Family YMCA

2012 - 2015 Girls
  • Dates: May 6th and 8th
  • Time: 6 pm - 7:25 pm
  • Location: Mid-Willamette Family YMCA

2010 - 2011 Boys
  • Dates and Times:
  • May 6th and 8th, 7:30 pm - 9 pm
  • May 15th, 6 pm - 7:25 pm
  • Location: Mid-Willamette Family YMCA

2010 - 2011 Girls
  • Dates: May 12th and 14th
  • Time: 6 pm - 7:25 pm
  • Location: Mid-Willamette Family YMCA

2007 - 2009 Boys
  • Dates: May 13th and 15th
  • Time: 7:30 pm - 9 pm
  • Location: Mid-Willamette Family YMCA

2007 - 2009 Girls
  • Dates: May 12th and 14th
  • Time: 7:30 pm - 9 pm
  • Location: Mid-Willamette Family YMCA

2015 Boys Tryouts

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2015 Girls Tryouts

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2014 Boys Tryouts

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2014 Girls Tryouts

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2013 Boys Tryouts

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2013 Girls Tryouts

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2012 Boys Tryouts

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2012 Girls Tryouts

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2011 Boys Tryouts

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2011 Girls Tryouts

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2010 Boys Tryouts

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2010 Girls Tryouts

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2009 Boys Tryouts

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2009 Girls Tryouts

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2008 Boys Tryouts

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2008 Girls Tryouts

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2007 Boys Tryouts

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2007 Girls Tryouts

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Oregon Valley Futbol Alliance
P.O. Box 1354 
Albany, Oregon 97321

Phone: 541-230-7032
Email: [email protected]

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